箔 | metal leaf/

日常生活に根ざしたのは、仏具・金屏風・西陣織・漆器・陶磁器・額縁・扇子・襖紙・壁紙・水引などの生活工芸品として発展したものが多いようです。日本で製作されている金箔は世界一薄く、十円硬貨ほどの大きさの金の合金は なんと畳一枚分 (三尺x六尺=910 cm×1,820 cm)の大きさに、薄さは一万分の一、二ミリにまで引き延ばされます。箔の薄さは光が透けるほどで、指先では到底扱えず、その技術の高さは世界でも確かな地位を確立しています。金箔といっても金を材料とした箔だけではなく、プラチナ箔、銀箔、アルミ箔、錫箔、銅箔、銀箔を着色したものなど、その色味や質感、風合いも様々です。多様な素材との相性が良いことも特徴として挙げられ、日用品から建材・インテリア・服飾・食用・美容など用途は多岐にわたります。レーザーカットも可能で、伝統的な素材が現代の技術によって発展し進化し続けている技術の好例ともいえるでしょう。

Historically, Haku, the metal foil, especially KIN-PAKU(Gold foil) have been used for shrines, temples, images/statues of Buddha, arts and crafts objects to decorate them to express luxuriousness and/or gorgeousness.
Haku has been used also in our daily lives: Items for Buddhism ceremonies, Byo-bu(folding screen), Kimono fabrics, Urushi lacquer wares, Ceramics, picture frames, Fusuma paper( Japanese traditional paper for sliding doors), Wall paper, Mizuhiki ribbon, etc.
The gold foil made in Japan is the thinnest in the world. An 10YEN coin sized gold alloy turns into as big as a TATAMI mat size (3shaku x 6shaku = 910cm x 1820cm), while the thickness gets as thin as 1-2/10,000mm (= 0.1-0.2 micron).
The Japan-made gold foil of the world’s highest quality is so sheer that the light can be seen through it and it is impossible to handle with fingers.
Besides the gold foil, various foils of other metals are available: platinum, silver, aluminum, tin, copper, colored-silver, etc. Different materials express different texture and atmosphere.
Metal foils are characterized its excellence in matching with wide range of other materials and popularly used various fields such as daily goods, building materials, interior, apparel, food, and beauty etc.
Laser cut is also applicable, foils can be described as one of a progressing materials alongside with the latest technology. One of promising material in development and other usage.